Common Allergy Symptoms in Kids

Common Allergy Symptoms in Kids

Kids are most susceptible to allergy and thus it is important to know the Common Allergy Symptoms in Kids so that they can be given quick treatment. There are certain things you should know in order to treat allergies among kids and one major thing is to know the symptoms well. So if you have small kids who are allergic then it is vital to understand that they need additional care even in case of mild symptoms to be ensured that the allergy doesn’t get worse.

Get the Allergy Symptoms Checked

The kids have certain symptoms that should be well identified by you or your pediatrician before starting the medication and care. The essential point is that kids get a lot of coughing and sneezing symptoms before the flu gets in and this gets worse before bed. Also they get a lot of rashes and the rashes get worse in case the kids rub or scratch them. The medicines vary based on symptoms and in case of fever the power of medicines is increased. The doctors also check the blood cell count to ensure the level of allergy and they also provide mild medications even if the symptoms are not very strong.

Allergic Kids and Their Precautions

Some kids are consistently allergic and thus may need medication before the allergy season starts. If your kid is allergic to pollen then start an antihistamine before pollen season and continue it for at least 3 to 10 days. If your child has year round allergies than they may need allergy medication throughout the year regularly in order to prevent the symptoms. Some medications are for short time period and to be taken every 4 to 6 hours. The longer acting medicines are not suitable for kids as well as for adults.

Kids are sometimes given a combination of medicines that are both an antihistamine and also a decongestant. Kids also get side effects of these medicines and the most common side effects are drowsiness and dry mouth so consult specialist only. If you are confused what to give to your child then the best idea is to ask your pediatrician about the medicine which is best for your child. The common antihistamines include nose drops and eye drops as well as some mild drugs that suit children in the long run and are not harmful. Ask a pediatrician at the Allergy Center for further details.
