Tent Rentals – Things You Should Keep in Mind to Choose the Right Tents

Tent Rentals – Things You Should Keep in Mind to Choose the Right Tents

Tents are must have items once you host an outdoor event. For this reason, finding the best company that will provide you quality tent rentals can help you make your event a success, regardless of the whether condition.

There are various factors that you should also keep in mind for you to pick the right tents for your needs and these include the following:

Guest Count

Every party rental company is skilled at determining the number of people that will fit in a particular square footage. Generally, you’ll require a hundred feet for each 8 guests if you are using round tables. If you have some long tables, you will need 80 sq feet per 8 guests.

Plan the Seating Accordingly

Do you need another separate table in front of a buffet area, room, dance floor, and stage? These all need space that must be factored into final measurement. Include the buffer between the stage area and food tables so the guests aren’t seated directly next to any particular area. Consider rounding up whenever you are making calculations to ensure that your guests have some rooms to sit as well as move comfortably.

Offer Custom Features

Customize party tents through adding elements to improve the comfort level or mood. While majority of party tents are white, several rental companies provide colored tents and clear-top tents for an exceptional look. A parachute-type material, a tent liner that comes in any color, is a costly extra detail that may offer you a designer look. A good way to save money is using custom lighting to alter the tent’s inside look.

Offer Seasonal Extras

During cooler months, you may add walls and consider some tent heaters. Hard decks, portable flooring or carpet could make a party tent feel much like a banquet hall at an additional cost. A lesser expensive option is adding a dance floor.

There are several things you need to take for consideration when it comes to tent rentals. If you don’t want to experience any hassles at choosing the right tents for your needs, always rely on a good rental company as it can make the process problem-free for you, regardless of your budget.

If you are planning for a big event, consider large tent rentals can be of great help as these can help you accommodate all of your guests without compromising their comfort and experience.
